Saturday, March 5, 2011

Today, I encourage you to take a deliberate leap of FAITH to LET GO TO GET BALANCE BACK! What do I mean?

Assess your priorities. Is God still first? If God is not first, you must choose to LET GO and begin the process of elimination. Anything that has replaced God’s #1 status in your life has become an idol. What do you need to eliminate to make room for God?

Establish healthy boundaries. Do you own a “Wonder Woman” cape? If you answered yes, it’s time to LET GO. You cannot be all things to everyone at all times, though you may try. What boundaries do you need to set for yourself? For your family? For work?

Add the letters N and O to your vocabulary. Are you afraid to say no? Why? Because of what people will think of you? LET GO of the need to people please. No is a simple little word that is so underutilized because we don’t have boundaries and we don’t hear God because He has lost His #1 standing with us. Practice saying NO with and/or without adding a reason or being apologetic.

No, thank you.

I appreciate the offer, but no.

No, I have a date with God… family, etc.

No, that is not in line with my goals, purpose or beliefs.

No, I am not able to now and I will let you know if that changes in the future.

How many times a day do you say yes without considering what it will cost you? Ask yourself, what do I need to say no to, so I can say yes enthusiastically and on purpose to God?

Delegate. Ask for help. Share responsibility. Is your independent spirit setting you up for failure? Are you juggling too much, hoping not to let anything drop? Eventually something will. LET GO and allow others to support you in marriage, ministry, parenting, work, etc. Pray and ask God to show you who can be trusted and who you should delegate or share responsibility with. Who are your accountability partners?

Work smarter not harder. When was the last time you asked God to order your daily agenda? LET GO you are not in control of your day no matter how you plan, create a To Do list or set goals, yet God is. Submit fully onto Him daily if necessary until it becomes a habit to ask Him to order your day and ultimately your life. Your flesh hates submitting to the authority of God. But you have the power of the Holy Spirit to submit. If you make God first by spending time in His presence, He will reveal His will for your life on a daily basis. Get your marching orders from the Master and your day will go so much better and you will experience peace beyond your understanding.

I pray that these words of encouragement challenge you to LET GO TO GET BALANCE BACK!

God has so much more in mind for you than what or where you currently find yourself.

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