When looking for a job, one usually reads through the qualifications section of the position to see whether or not you feel you are qualified. Stop looking for a job based on the worlds qualifications and start asking God for an assignment based on His.
There is an assignment where your qualifications will never come into question. That assignment is in “field services” aka the Army of the Lord. In His work we are all qualified to serve not as a result of anything we have done, but because of what He did at Calvary. Jesus qualified us when He went to the Cross…nailed hands, pierced side, bearing our iniquities. We just have to trust and believe in what He has already done. When you accept/ed Jesus and receive/d His gift of salvation you are immediately forgiven and washed of your sins. His blood qualifies you!
So the next time you even act like you want to question your qualifications or someone else beats you to it. Remember you ARE qualified because of Him.
Tip: If you ask God for an assignment, be prepared to surrender your right to say where you are positioned and for what length of service. His blood determines who (you) and His will dictates the what, where, when, how and how long.
I am grateful for the blood that covers me and qualifies me. Just another reason why I am Confessing Hope In Christ!
It’s not about you or me. It’s about Him…always has been and always will be.
Scripture Inspiration: Romans 5: 8-9 (NKJV)
God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us…having now been justified [qualified] by His blood, we shall be saved… (italic word added by author for emphasis).
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